sisko11 posts, page 4

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22-October-2017 Sunday
Rocket "Deer 2000" hits 2 targets at a time

19-October-2017 Thursday
Double somersault!

15-October-2017 Sunday
No, I refuse to believe it.

03-August-2017 Thursday
Lightning strike

03-August-2017 Thursday
Rammed the car in a steep dive, the car skidded

02-August-2017 Wednesday
Singapore - shaolin master on a walking

01-August-2017 Tuesday
And I think where I saw him ... there it is))

01-August-2017 Tuesday
An integrated approach to fat burning: what to do and what not to do?

01-August-2017 Tuesday
I didn’t slip through, the Chinese like to crawl through all the cracks, this one didn’t crawl through ...

01-August-2017 Tuesday
Surprise for a policeman

29-July-2017 Saturday
A motorcyclist against three motorists - a fight, somewhere in Turkey ...

28-July-2017 Friday
The holiday continues - Will they ever calm down?

28-July-2017 Friday
Juicy accident, my overtake yours

28-July-2017 Friday
Accident car rammed the car in front

26-July-2017 Wednesday
Festival of crunches, crashed into a car

26-July-2017 Wednesday
Crunchies are in a hurry for an accident!

24-July-2017 Monday
The truck in an accident overturned at the intersection and rammed the car

24-July-2017 Monday
Accident another zadozanitel on the road - man accident

23-July-2017 Sunday
Hit and hit by a car hard collision with a car

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