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About Latvians, Latvians and Rigans
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About Latvians, Latvians and Rigans
Why do the Kyiv Nazis want to "squeeze out" Kievan Rus?
Who is closer
About Latvians, Latvians and Rigans
About Latvians, Latvians and Rigans
Why do the Kyiv Nazis want to "squeeze out" Kievan Rus?
Why do the Kyiv Nazis want to "squeeze out" Kievan Rus?
Siri won't lie
Siri won't lie
This is the occupation...
A surviving Russian soldier identifies a former Buchenwald concentration camp guard who brutally beat prisoners. April 14, 1945
Brain tolerance: American journalist condemned Slavic fantasy for the lack of blacks
Sad rocking chair.
Generous Poles!
Generous Poles!
A bit of sarcasm
Why do the Kyiv Nazis want to "squeeze out" Kievan Rus?
I'm going to show a bit of intolerance.
Under the control of employees, 4 boxes of apples were destroyed at the solid waste landfill - they were crushed by tractor tracks.
Il Giornale: On May 9, the EU showed complete submission to the "great puppeteer"
Let there be a shit
70 years ago there was a legendary meeting on the Elbe!
Generous Poles!
Il Giornale: On May 9, the EU showed complete submission to the "great puppeteer"
A bit of sarcasm
Mini, Medium, Giant
Il Giornale: On May 9, the EU showed complete submission to the "great puppeteer"
The whole country was plundered
Victory Day in Daugavpils (Latvia)
How a Boeing was shot down over Ukraine
The antibiotic was right, 20 years have passed, nothing has changed!
Generous Poles!
Il Giornale: On May 9, the EU showed complete submission to the "great puppeteer"
Il Giornale: On May 9, the EU showed complete submission to the "great puppeteer"
Man - hysterical
Il Giornale: On May 9, the EU showed complete submission to the "great puppeteer"
The girl wanted to help the suicide and called the police, and they helped by shooting him
A surviving Russian soldier identifies a former Buchenwald concentration camp guard who brutally beat prisoners. April 14, 1945
About Latvians, Latvians and Rigans
And the "polite people" looked quite good at the parade!
Ulybaka dog
About Latvians, Latvians and Rigans
Minority racism
Watch your health when there is a profit!
How a Boeing was shot down over Ukraine
Another moment of history. To the post pikabu.ru/story/minutka_istoriii_3362871
A bit of sarcasm
A bit of sarcasm
The correct inscription on the car
When the weather promises to be great
70 years ago there was a legendary meeting on the Elbe!
Feel the difference
Well yo-mayo... everything was beautifully filmed?!