best comments
Road to Knowledge
How I worked as a loader.
Was it possible?
Diary of one year or first year of operation.
V.V. Zhirinovsky and Saddam Hussein ...
How much does a "decent old age" cost?
On the deterioration of life in America
War and Peace at the BBC
Chubais accused the Russians of ingratitude to businessmen
The God-Emperor lurks among the people, subtly guiding humanity (M3, Ancient Chronicler, sketch)
Watchmen: opening credits [1/2]
How much does a "decent old age" cost?
War and Peace at the BBC
Geralt's story comes to an end
How the construction market "Slavic World" destroys the village of Mosrentgen
Fly Tsokotukha.
Harsh Soviet childhood
100 Facts About Saudi Arabia (Part 1 of 2)
I could not resist, like a mother and almost a doctor
Finally, we were shown cut scenes from the movie! And they are just gorgeous!
That's how it was possible
That's how it was possible