worst comments
Can i?
Can i?
Can i?
Can i?
(a little long post) I have never played..
Can i?
Donated!! Cool thing :) The inscription on the right in the corner, apparently, somehow refers to the cost of games)
A friend had a birthday the other day, there were not enough candles. PS Yes, I am a programmer
Do you need advice or something?
These are the guys scribe
Recommend the series
I heard they love cosplay here...
A minute of poetry for a picaboo
Looks like a scene from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Overdoing it with marshmallows...
Good prey. Winter 2013
Can i?
Can i?
Can i?
Heard they love cosplay here
Note to DJs
Run, fool!
Check out my new joke
Heard they love cosplay here
I'll leave it here :)
Today marks the 68th anniversary of Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan.
My life will never be the same again.
Science and technology news [long post]
The most annoying thing for an introvert.
from the "Feel Old" series.
The mind cannot understand Russia.
Looks like a scene from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
I feel sorry for him((