serkos48 posts

03-July-2016 Sunday
Heisenberg in The Big Bang Theory?

30-September-2015 Wednesday
You can't tell by sight

09-April-2015 Thursday
Heroes of the storm

07-February-2015 Saturday
Peekaboo is the biggest PR company for 50 Shades of Grey.

27-January-2015 Tuesday

12-August-2014 Tuesday
I'll put in my 2 cents

26-May-2014 Monday
Ideal pendulum

20-May-2014 Tuesday

06-March-2014 Thursday
Peekaboo help solve the problem.

14-February-2014 Friday
For the League of Detectives.

20-August-2013 Tuesday
It seems to me, or the clock wants to tell me something ...

09-August-2013 Friday
What if it's "Entrance to dogs only in a red hoop and with a red ribbon"

20-July-2013 Saturday
Doesn't he remind anyone?

28-February-2013 Thursday
Here is my work

04-December-2012 Tuesday
Time to boobs
