best comments
We do not sell cheap medicines, we only show
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
We are losing jobs
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
We are losing jobs
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Leaving the bustle)
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
We are losing jobs
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"
Response to the post "Cheap medicines are not sold, only shown"