worst comments
Reply to the post "Disappointment"
Reply to the post "Khachik, Lilya and Nastya"
Pregnancy, childbirth and early childhood
Cho yell then?!
Oscar to the Master for Supporting Actor
How else to check
I came to the next vaccination to my favorite doctor
When the trailer became a locomotive
It happens
Recreating old model photos of his father
Fedor Konyukhov 70
Ugly Charity
Sometimes you have to close
Uncle Mitya from "Love and Doves"
Countermeasures against terrorism among children
Get off them
In Karelia, alimony debtor proved by DNA that he is not the father of a child
Restoration and colorization at the request of the pick-up truck
By any means, my sister is the younger one.
Uncle Mitya from "Love and Doves"
In Karelia, alimony debtor proved by DNA that he is not the father of a child
Let's bet?!
Continuation of the post “How to survive if you only have x money for food?”
When I bought an apartment in a new building on the outskirts
Answer "How the girl moved out of me"
About St. Petersburg and about help ...
Only on Avito I come across such people
And I can do better...
Reply to "Greed"
Cotton candy machine or what greed leads to
Zip fastener
I do not understand
To school
"Once upon a time there was a dog"
The answer to the post “Are you sure you won’t cheat?”
And what, so it was possible?
Child custody
In Japanese there is a verb "to fall in love"
Response to the post "Where did the office paper go?"
Response to the post "Where did the office paper go?"
Selicioner, b***d
MUCTEPKOT's response in "Meet Me Now I'm a Cuckold"