sdsshishmencev comments

[33] [2] [1]

22-September-2022 Thursday
sdsshishmencev's answer to "Ursula von der Leyen: The Russian army is removing chips from dishwashers and refrigerators to fix military equipment"

21-September-2022 Wednesday
Reply to Ursula von der Leyen: Russian army removes chips from dishwashers and refrigerators to fix military equipment

19-September-2022 Monday
Ursula von der Leyen: Russian army removes chips from dishwashers and refrigerators to fix military equipment

09-September-2022 Friday
Live and learn. Obviously

09-September-2022 Friday
The answer to the post "Aluminum does not rot?"

09-September-2022 Friday
Reply to the post "Communal workers are touching ..."

09-September-2022 Friday
Utilities touch...

19-July-2022 Tuesday
How not to pay for a roommate

14-July-2022 Thursday
Reply to the post "We recruited couriers ..."

14-July-2022 Thursday
Do you still believe in fairy tales?

22-August-2020 Saturday
Aren't you crazy?

31-July-2020 Friday
Science experiment

28-July-2020 Tuesday
Impossible space objects, but they exist in reality Part 1

27-July-2020 Monday

[33] [2] [1]
