scanir comments, page 2

[9] [3] [2] [1]

08-November-2019 Friday
Sberbank employees read Pikabu!

03-September-2019 Tuesday
Cat from the shelter

28-August-2019 Wednesday
Schoolgirls of the USSR

26-August-2019 Monday
Bust of Yuri Gagarin erected in Cleveland, Ohio USA

26-August-2019 Monday
How to live without GAPPS (Google services) in 2019.

25-August-2019 Sunday
picabushny troll

21-August-2019 Wednesday
I'm against trolls on peekaboo.

21-August-2019 Wednesday
Looking for a debtor Home detective.

20-August-2019 Tuesday
Oh-oh-i-i-i-yo! Battery! (c) How to dispose of.

08-August-2019 Thursday
Batagai failure

06-July-2019 Saturday
It's time for someone to change jobs.

06-July-2019 Saturday
About loneliness and depression

05-July-2019 Friday
Still got caught...

02-July-2019 Tuesday
Invited to the factory

27-June-2019 Thursday
"Sex clearance is not needed" they said - 2

[9] [3] [2] [1]
