worst comments
History of the world: every year.
February 15 - Day of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Day of Remembrance of soldiers-internationalists.
A gray wolf will come and bite ..
Ai nid sambadi helb
Everyday life of a doctor
Something like this
When you sign the first documents as President
A group of Red Army soldiers who captured the enemy headquarters car with valuable documents
And who did it?
Yazhmat!!! Or how a mother with two children sat on my neck.
When busy at work
Students of Moscow State University seized the administration
Adventures of god:Escape
Cloud gaming
Cloud gaming
A Great Friend
Stars never go out over the Kremlin, Putin never sleeps...
Ukrainians because of crazy bills for "communal" began to rent housing for free
The cat is a little confused
My parrot
Superheroes of my childhood
Winter, Kovel
Winter, Kovel
Ready for Saturday evening... And you?
solar kepar
Russian actresses at the beginning of their career and now. [Part 3]
Art by sandara. [DeviantArt]
Ku Klux Klan marching down Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC, 1926
Ballerinas and Anastasia Volochkova
Daniel Shaver, an unarmed man killed by an Arizona police officer, screamed and begged for life before the shooting
Pennsylvania took to the festive demonstration under the national anthem of Russia.
Map of the seven kingdoms.
Part two, about the request of IlSO
Part two, about the request of IlSO
Such different dawns
Spring sketches based on subscribers' photos