26-October-2018 Friday
How to buy fake tram tickets in Prague
20-October-2018 Saturday
Help find the culprit.
25-June-2018 Monday
Help me choose a smartphone
23-June-2018 Saturday
Second lodge?
21-June-2018 Thursday
About the taxi driver
21-June-2018 Thursday
Herd peekaboo effect.
21-June-2018 Thursday
Doors close, next stop car service
15-June-2018 Friday
Incredible Luck in the Elevator
08-June-2018 Friday
The Omsk metro, which was built for 26 years, has only one station, and gobbled up billions of budget money, they decided to bury it anyway
05-June-2018 Tuesday
A new divorce on Avito?
31-May-2018 Thursday
Responsive traffic police officers helped me a lot (no)
27-May-2018 Sunday
Well, it's a joke!!
25-May-2018 Friday
Dialogue with the opera
24-May-2018 Thursday
Need to call!
20-May-2018 Sunday
Road accident victim
20-May-2018 Sunday
On the subject of taxis...
18-May-2018 Friday
Get on the gas, bro.
28-March-2018 Wednesday
Divorce with points Thank you from Sberbank, as well as OneTwoTrip and Sportmaster.
28-March-2018 Wednesday
Downsizing Anatomy
27-March-2018 Tuesday
"The wear indicators on my tires show in percentage how much tread is left."