samodostatochno comments, page 2

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20-June-2019 Thursday
Cartography and chronology of greedy

29-April-2019 Monday
The meaning of the clip Rammstein - Radio.

14-April-2019 Sunday
Redditors who shot for stock photos - about the most unexpected places where they found themselves

18-March-2019 Monday
Everything is brilliant!

17-March-2019 Sunday
There is such a business - Air to sell, or an insider from the industry of selling balloons in the Russian Federation

08-March-2019 Friday
He no longer plays with the bees

24-February-2019 Sunday
Advertising is evil

11-February-2019 Monday
404 Santa Claus not found, Bunny in business.

09-February-2019 Saturday
Non-melting ice cream from Japan

06-February-2019 Wednesday
Day two: about myself

05-February-2019 Tuesday
A cat named Ruble

03-February-2019 Sunday not working

01-February-2019 Friday
Donate blood today, save your future wife tomorrow!

13-January-2019 Sunday
ADM p. Institute of Poliomyelitis - Novosibirsk

31-December-2018 Monday
How Pikabu has changed in 2018

28-December-2018 Friday
About irresponsible ADM and attentive mother

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