worst comments
Purpose of the visit
Purpose of the visit
Purpose of the visit
"For military distinction"
"For military distinction"
"For military distinction"
My mobilization...
Reply to the post "How I was offered a creative job"
Pikabushnik Vladivostok let's go 5
My condolences
Sanctions set Russia back 15 years
My mobilization...
My condolences
Pikabushnik Vladivostok let's go 5
My mobilization...
NATO, German poster
Themselves to blame
Specials needed!
On the wave of posts about raids on conscripts
On the wave of posts about raids on conscripts
Response to the post "Channel One and thug romance"
A.G. Lukashenka today
Specials needed!
Specials needed!
Came from St. Petersburg to the Crimea on a bicycle!
On the wave of posts about raids on conscripts
How I suddenly got a stent in my heart
Reply to the post "How I was offered a creative job"
Paid back