saastudio posts, page 2

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08-April-2022 Friday
Everyone forgot about covid, so he was offended.

25-March-2022 Friday
Here's an actual picture of bearded people.

19-March-2022 Saturday
The Dollar Exchange Rate and Russia's Military Policy

17-March-2022 Thursday
Gold and foreign exchange reserves of Russia

13-March-2022 Sunday
Why look at Europe when you have an ass?

10-March-2022 Thursday
Instead of a thousand dishes from McDuck

10-March-2022 Thursday
Come on, Vyatka kvass, where are you there? It's about time!

08-March-2022 Tuesday
When sanctions worked a little faster than expected

08-March-2022 Tuesday
This weekend I went to the cache

05-March-2022 Saturday
Current situation on the Stock Market of Russia

22-February-2022 Tuesday
Find 10 differences

16-February-2022 Wednesday
Hell's Carousel

16-February-2022 Wednesday
Fun geography with Dasha Sun

14-February-2022 Monday
Mukhosran Marketing

10-January-2022 Monday
Intel INSIDE :3

09-January-2022 Sunday
Money to the wind...

07-January-2022 Friday
When I realized why you were invited to a party...

31-December-2021 Friday
Continuation of the post "Everything is just beginning)"

03-December-2021 Friday

25-October-2021 Monday
Service from Rostelecom

21-October-2021 Thursday
There were not enough virgins for everyone

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