saaacreeed posts

10-October-2015 Saturday
Recently opened the beta version of Star Wars. After 6 hours of playing, I went to bed. As a result, I dreamed of such a drug addiction ... (Read to the end) xD

09-September-2015 Wednesday
There was an error on YouTube when uploading an image to a video!)

22-July-2015 Wednesday
VBR will not work!

17-June-2015 Wednesday
Spoiler .. Although this may not be the end, it is still complete ...

03-June-2015 Wednesday
For those who watched season 5, part 8 of "Game of Thrones")))

21-May-2015 Thursday
I got rid of the fact that I do not look at a woman's butt, but just see it! It's hard to explain, but I'll try...

20-May-2015 Wednesday
We must learn we must learn .. damn the witcher came out ..))

19-May-2015 Tuesday
Congratulations on the release, the 3rd Witcher!) cheers!)

05-March-2015 Thursday
Besiege "Five inventions"

01-March-2015 Sunday
Besiege "Five inventions"
