21-June-2022 Tuesday
How much does life cost in Budapest?
15-June-2022 Wednesday
30 years - no mind
13-June-2022 Monday
07-June-2022 Tuesday
Has matured - hardened?
07-June-2022 Tuesday
I ask for advice on self-determination and choosing a future path
05-June-2022 Sunday
Cut off.. Dialogue on the bus
06-May-2022 Friday
Help a newbie learn Revit
04-May-2022 Wednesday
To the cinema
24-March-2022 Thursday
A life
13-March-2022 Sunday
Parents don't change
24-January-2022 Monday
Money is not the most important thing
23-January-2022 Sunday
When reluctance to correspond
21-January-2022 Friday
Response to the post "About civilized Europeans"
20-January-2022 Thursday
A story about hints
20-January-2022 Thursday
Let him stand, warm up
19-January-2022 Wednesday
Money in debt, living on a grand scale
17-January-2022 Monday
Response to the post "Millionaires for an Hour"
13-January-2022 Thursday
Who knowingly went for a lower salary?
12-January-2022 Wednesday
As I went to the interview...
11-January-2022 Tuesday
Fought back in Moscow