rsplus comments

[10] [2] [1]

13-April-2016 Wednesday
Justice from family.

13-April-2016 Wednesday
How Google took a wrong turn

12-April-2016 Tuesday
When you want to go according to plan, but something goes wrong

06-April-2016 Wednesday
It's you who are shitty

25-March-2016 Friday
This is not a lightsaber

23-March-2016 Wednesday

22-March-2016 Tuesday
Eh... I forgot the word, now I'll remember... Part 2.

22-March-2016 Tuesday
Lesha's boyfriend.

22-March-2016 Tuesday
Perfect crime

21-March-2016 Monday

21-March-2016 Monday
One in a million chance

03-February-2016 Wednesday
In red..

14-September-2015 Monday
The quieter you go, the further you'll get

14-September-2015 Monday
Game of Thrones

26-September-2014 Friday
Developed this topic a bit.

[10] [2] [1]
