rondondon01 comments, page 15

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26-January-2016 Tuesday

24-January-2016 Sunday
Detroit today.

16-December-2015 Wednesday
What does a silenced weapon sound like in real life?

18-October-2015 Sunday
In Dubai =)

10-August-2015 Monday

08-August-2015 Saturday
Friends, we drew a cartoon and today presented it on the NewRetroWave American music channel.

22-July-2015 Wednesday
Instant Karma

15-July-2015 Wednesday
The second life of the car radio

10-July-2015 Friday
The history of "Moneybox"

01-July-2015 Wednesday
The game Batman Arkham Knight has its own atmosphere

01-July-2015 Wednesday
On Reddit, an old video with Vitas made a splash (link inside)

24-June-2015 Wednesday
Attempt to troll US police with a semi-automatic weapon

24-June-2015 Wednesday
How long does it take to work as a doctor to lift like Capello

21-June-2015 Sunday
Pirate Overdose Continues

19-June-2015 Friday
Best of Coube [#26]

17-June-2015 Wednesday
I bought a USB hub with a cord length of 1 meter

11-June-2015 Thursday
And from our window Eron don don

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