romantik33 posts
18-October-2022 Tuesday
17-June-2022 Friday
The head of the Ministry of Finance Siluanov proposed to transfer officials to domestic cars "Lada"
20-May-2022 Friday
Summer has come... Beggars have blossomed
15-April-2022 Friday
Everywhere "efficiency"...
14-March-2022 Monday
1 channel
Content is hidden
11-March-2022 Friday
Sugar Offline and Online
09-March-2022 Wednesday
Against the background of buying sugar and sunflower oil...
08-March-2022 Tuesday
Is the phoenix bird reborn?
07-March-2022 Monday
Import of equipment for Russia - 2018-2019-2020 2021...
04-March-2022 Friday
Everything has a plus...
13-January-2022 Thursday
Response to "Flashing Feet"
21-December-2021 Tuesday
Discount 500 rubles. to the sbermegamarket
02-October-2021 Saturday
Hit from 1.5 meters...
23-September-2019 Monday
One of the "miracles" of understatement
17-August-2019 Saturday
Those who served in the army do not laugh in the circus... An air-to-ground rocket was accidentally launched in Crimea
19-July-2019 Friday
We "repaired" ... Russian Railways
15-April-2019 Monday
MSW management (garbage removal) for summer residents
01-March-2019 Friday
New rules for waste management or how to make money out of thin air...
16-January-2018 Tuesday
Insurance for marriage in the USSR
19-December-2016 Monday
To drink or not to drink ... Or to ban everything at once?
12-December-2016 Monday
A million or a billion...???
17-August-2016 Wednesday
Three maidens by the window...
05-April-2016 Tuesday
"Quarters flash by, but you can't jump..."
09-March-2016 Wednesday
I don’t get sick, but the clinic constantly “treats” me ...