rheini comments, page 12

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20-October-2022 Thursday
Tactless people

11-October-2022 Tuesday
Who is struggling with homoxenon and pidadiodami?

11-October-2022 Tuesday
When they assured that the toy was anti-vandal and indestructible

03-October-2022 Monday
What to do and how to be

01-October-2022 Saturday
I ask for comments from cynologists.

31-August-2022 Wednesday
How my dream turned into a nightmare

24-August-2022 Wednesday
Speak a little louder than a whisper

10-August-2022 Wednesday
Reply to the post "Maaa little puppy"

14-July-2022 Thursday
I took the puppy

13-July-2022 Wednesday

07-July-2022 Thursday

05-July-2022 Tuesday
+34 °С in the shade. When they reached the water)

03-July-2022 Sunday
Traveling with a large dog: butt pain

30-June-2022 Thursday
"before / after" or "how fast the puppies grow"

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