best comments
Happy Birthday, Pikabu!
The Wonders of TV Poker
Cheater 80 lvl
Elite work for girls
The newsland.ru portal hosted a survey on the topic: “Is Russia occupied?”
For whom did you tear your friends?
Zhirinovsky set his sights on Luzhkov's place
new object of adoration
Be healthy!
Neo-Soviet Russia and America (
Bachelor's lunch =)
Hunting for "rockers"
The security camera from St. Petersburg horrified the Americans
But he's still a parkour guy at heart.
45 frivolous rules of the Russian language, which should be taken very seriously.
Portable shower ad gone bust
How was yesterday's rally in defense of the 31st article of the Constitution
Berlin. May 14, 1945. In HD!
Plastic surgery for maniacs
I am impressed.