best comments
HIV is curable!
7 cities that will disappear by 2100
Friday everyone!
I just remembered an old top post and decided to ask: how many acquaintances happened in this way / way?
I just remembered an old top post and decided to ask: how many acquaintances happened in this way / way?
What do people think when they find out that you are from Ivanovo
Man hammers nails funny
A typical representative of the Ivanovo region and hot Dagestan guys
bad cake
7 cities that will disappear by 2100
sausage stories
Real ... (from the category of "Thoughtful long posts")
101 things you need to understand if you haven't already. From the Internet.
7 cities that will disappear by 2100
Comments in VK please
“The courier must be young and handsome!”: a resident of Krasnodar was indignant at her delivery grandfather
A typical representative of the Ivanovo region and hot Dagestan guys
Found myself a boyfriend
Mirrors edge
I beg on my knees
Pickups, save!
What if...
On September 1, a law was passed on the introduction of school uniforms in Russia.
Built-in appliances
What a twist
Here is such a cucumber we have born :)