worst comments
Thanks, Dmitry Anatolievich. Showed me my place
How to leave
TOP 10 hypocritical patriotic officials
Pike in muddy water
Meanwhile, Medvedev proposes to pay the population for housing and communal services on a prepaid basis.
Meanwhile, Medvedev proposes to pay the population for housing and communal services on a prepaid basis.
Meanwhile, Medvedev proposes to pay the population for housing and communal services on a prepaid basis.
I'll just leave it here.
Meanwhile, Medvedev proposes to pay the population for housing and communal services on a prepaid basis.
Putin and the man
Where does the money go?
Putin helps
Meanwhile, Medvedev proposes to pay the population for housing and communal services on a prepaid basis.
Why us?
TOP 10 hypocritical patriotic officials
Such is Russia
Look around before crossing the road
There was nothing like it.
I love my country and hate the state!
How I opened my own business (experience) [Long post]
About yesterday's "holiday".
Going nowhere
Went down the children's slide...
Missing brother: Bashir Gazdiev, born in 1989. Went out on a Friday afternoon in the university metro area and hasn't returned until now
Where does the money go?
How we brutally overpay in a pharmacy... The doctor says
SK confirmed: five wounds in the heart of the driver in St. Petersburg were suicide
Recently, a dispute arose about corruption with local Nashi grazing on Pikabu.
Recently, a dispute arose about corruption with local Nashi grazing on Pikabu.
On the legalization of real pistols and the ban on toy ones
Are you still against guns?
Pugachev. The second series or the flame flares up.
Such is Russia
Pike in muddy water
I'm not for Nemtsov... but he speaks correctly
Top 7 most dangerous insects IN RUSSIA!
Where does the money go?
I'll just leave it here.
Where does the money go?
We invite you to give birth in Russia! (Long post)
Are you still against guns?
On the legalization of real pistols and the ban on toy ones
Last post about Pugachev. Results.
Last post about Pugachev. Results.
Cheap tickets to the Olympics!
And really why?
Are you still against guns?
Chronology of the Second World War (not to be confused with the Second World War) - long post
Why us?
Well, that's how it is...
An unexpected find in the forest (Long post)
Again, on the topic of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.
Feast in Time of Plague.
Sochi and the Olympics - a look from the inside
Comparison of weapons of the USA and Russia (Bolshoy Longpost)
How to find the right staff
How to find the right staff
How to leave
Average data
Pindos in DotA
How we brutally overpay in a pharmacy... The doctor says
About justice in Russia and taxes.
study well)))
Chronology of the Second World War (not to be confused with the Second World War) - long post
Chronology of the Second World War (not to be confused with the Second World War) - long post
The prosecutor general swore that no one would escape responsibility ...
For those who are going to emigrate (for example, to the USA)
For those who are going to emigrate (for example, to the USA)
Let's vote against the restriction of purchases from abroad, through online stores, the link is below!!!
Already it seems there is nothing to take away from the people - so no, they found ...
The Leninsky Court of Kirov established the guilt of Alexei Navalny in the case of embezzlement of Kirovles property.
Achievements of Vladimir Vladimirovich, together towards a brighter future!
"A little Syrian girl sells chewing gum on the street to feed herself. A real example of strong will in a small heart
On the legalization of real pistols and the ban on toy ones
On the legalization of real pistols and the ban on toy ones
A person feels bad / Russia vs. USA Experiment
About mortgages, real numbers!!!
This fabulous country is Russia.
On the legalization of real pistols and the ban on toy ones
Letter to Mr. Medvedev, Mirdvermyach from Sergey Chikhachev
Fuck logick
Fuck logick
I'm not even surprised.
The prosecutor general swore that no one would escape responsibility ...
Already it seems there is nothing to take away from the people - so no, they found ...
Chronology of the Second World War (not to be confused with the Second World War) - long post
Typical France (not for tourists)
Who is the power here?
Vital ..
Again Russian Post. I would say, burn in hell, but she already managed to burn.
Are you still against guns?
Russian nanotechnologies are so nanotechnological.
Are you still against guns?
Are you still against guns?
Are you still against guns?
The policemen knocked out the teeth of the public environmentalist and smashed his head for talking about harmful emissions in Chusovaya, “spoiling the image” of the mayor.
On the topic of the day .. What is happening to this world ..
Pindos in DotA
Why us?
Why us?
Why us?
Why us?
About the candidate for mayor of Moscow
About the candidate for mayor of Moscow
About the candidate for mayor of Moscow
About the candidate for mayor of Moscow
About the candidate for mayor of Moscow
About the candidate for mayor of Moscow
Relaxing side kick
TOW Missile vs. T-72 Tank
Why Choose Guest Workers
Not for the sake of it!
Soldiers of Russian special services piss terrorists in the toilet
Donations are now taxed
Water filling dam
Feast in Time of Plague.
On the question of Mizulina's son
but it's true ...
but it's true ...
newspaper seller