readfirst comments, page 3

[34] [4] [3] [2] [1]

14-May-2022 Saturday
She's not stupid...

11-May-2022 Wednesday
Event Horizon Telescope to announce groundbreaking discovery

11-May-2022 Wednesday
Spanish track and field athlete Blanca Hervs

07-May-2022 Saturday
Croatian mercenary from Mariupol captured: "I also heard about the terrible things that they (Azov) did to citizens ..."

30-April-2022 Saturday
Phrase your thoughts correctly...

29-April-2022 Friday

29-April-2022 Friday
Police returned home a lost five-year-old girl

28-April-2022 Thursday
Perhaps the best motivational speech

21-April-2022 Thursday
Churchill's Fulton Speech and Stalin's Response. Stalin's conclusions are strikingly accurate now, 70 years later.

20-April-2022 Wednesday
I will be brief, UN Security Council meeting in 9 minutes

17-April-2022 Sunday
The problem with the pick-up

15-April-2022 Friday
In Smolensk, builders threatened to demolish the Katyn memorial

15-April-2022 Friday
Landing with Kolesov's sword (I apologize in advance for the wind)

15-April-2022 Friday
pupwas' response in "Unpedagogical"

[34] [4] [3] [2] [1]
