razer2906 comments

01-November-2016 Tuesday

28-May-2016 Saturday
Historical secrets of Balaklava

24-May-2016 Tuesday
You have an amount equal to your rating (in rubles).

23-April-2016 Saturday
And if it does exist...

25-March-2016 Friday
"Hey Arnold! Quiz"

18-March-2016 Friday
Erotime №71

12-March-2016 Saturday
Give me back 2002

08-March-2016 Tuesday
These dolphins...

14-February-2016 Sunday
About army food. Spetsnaz GRU GSh MO

14-February-2016 Sunday
February 14 - Day of the liberation of Lugansk from Nazi invaders

09-February-2016 Tuesday
year 2012. Grade 11. We joked as best we could.

07-February-2016 Sunday
Another Themeerkatguy comic - math

07-February-2016 Sunday
I won't go to the dolphinarium again

06-February-2016 Saturday
good exercise

05-February-2016 Friday
Need more seasoning!

31-December-2015 Thursday
League of strong and independent, write what cities you are from!

31-December-2015 Thursday
And again replenishment in the league of strong and independent
