worst comments
He is probably very angry, because with a beard
When dreaming, be careful: dreams sometimes come true
How inexorably time flies
Muscovite has achieved the initiation of a criminal case due to lack of erection
Under Vladimir, "Christians" threw a donkey into the frost
Cheap is not Orthodox
Where or when did we miss the total washing of people in the matter of attitude to the USSR?
Two Irishmen walk past a bar...
Inventions that their creators bitterly regretted
How to survive a nuclear bomb explosion
Historical photo
Island of freedom and democracy
I thought it only happens to people...
Non-obvious moments in fairy tales
Sleepless night
Do you have a snake?
Sergey Lavrov. Famous Russian Armenian
Near Zvenigorod, a woman slept with a robber who got into her house, and then handed him over to the police
He is probably very angry, because with a beard
Video: assistant on duty at the FSB in the Novosibirsk region receives a complaint about stripes from aircraft in the sky
Olympic handball champion Vladlena Bobrovnikova: “Football player Zobnin receives 26 million rubles a month!”
Vitalik keeps promises