best comments
HappyKapitalist's answer to “Like looking into water”
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Cry from the heart
Reply to the post “I tried the relationship with RSP instead of you”
Not an informer, not a pioneer, not a hero. Who really was Pavlik Morozov
I'm crying like a bitch
Not agreed upon
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Not an informer, not a pioneer, not a hero. Who really was Pavlik Morozov
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
How not to pay employees
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
How to block a Tele2 scammer
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
On the wave of posts about the general budget
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Not an informer, not a pioneer, not a hero. Who really was Pavlik Morozov
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
The story is about how I won the car
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
My daughter, 8 years old, arranged a surprise )))
On the wave of posts about the general budget
On the wave of posts about the general budget
On the wave of posts about the general budget
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
In the wake of posts about men with whom something is wrong
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
The once profitable Yandex.Taxi
Reply to the post “How to block a Tele2 scammer”
Reply by Anonymous to “How Often Do Wives Need Sex?”
Appeal to motorcyclists
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
Reply to the post “Cry of the Soul”
Grizel's answer to "Like I looked into water"
How I realized that proactivity is shit
On the wave of posts about the general budget
On the wave of posts about the general budget
On the wave of posts about the general budget
On the wave of posts about the general budget