qvent comments, page 167

20-January-2024 Saturday
What do men want!?

06-December-2023 Wednesday
Happy birthday to me! 43...

04-December-2023 Monday
I'm drawing while I'm drawing

25-November-2023 Saturday
I ordered a Playstation 5, but I received a border or a story about how Yandex Market scams customers out of money...

25-November-2023 Saturday
civil Aviation

19-November-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post “NYT: the US administration confirmed the transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine”

19-November-2023 Sunday
Scandal with landing in a wheat field due to the “low level of pilot training”

16-November-2023 Thursday
Reply to the post “Experiment”

18-October-2023 Wednesday
How to make round reinforced concrete poles for power lines

07-October-2023 Saturday
Computer - information storage

29-September-2023 Friday
Hong Kong with an old camera
