pyrografych posts

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30-November-2022 Wednesday
Well, what about without cats?

28-November-2022 Monday
By order of Pikabushnik, I burned 1 more painting!

22-November-2022 Tuesday
Strength, power and grace

10-November-2022 Thursday
Someone in the comments asked where the manul was?

10-November-2022 Thursday
Even when everything is going according to plan, there is no need to relax!

06-November-2022 Sunday
Enjoy Your Bath!

06-November-2022 Sunday
Sight! Burning on the machine

28-October-2022 Friday
Another Hedgehog!

27-October-2022 Thursday
By order of Pikabushnik, another painting is ready!

26-October-2022 Wednesday
Brutal Hedgehog! Burning on the machine

23-October-2022 Sunday
Burned out a painting commissioned by Pikabushnik

20-October-2022 Thursday
Another idea, for my machine!

13-October-2022 Thursday
Witcher! Burning on the machine

12-October-2022 Wednesday
Marilyn Monroe! Burning on the machine

09-October-2022 Sunday
And here is my first successful portrait on a burning machine!

08-October-2022 Saturday
Glorious dog!

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