11-September-2021 Saturday
Harry Bardin is 80 years old!
20-August-2021 Friday
The story of one divorce or how I Skyped with my wife's lover
19-August-2021 Thursday
09-July-2021 Friday
Reply to the post "Hints or a bit of tourist romance"
01-July-2021 Thursday
For the first comer
06-June-2021 Sunday
Mistakes of youth (which remained unknown)
20-May-2021 Thursday
Road etiquette
09-May-2021 Sunday
For May 9, song "At a Nameless Height"
06-May-2021 Thursday
Review of the film "Dad" 2020
23-April-2021 Friday
The smallest reasons why you no longer want to date a person (part 1)
13-April-2021 Tuesday
Painting a balcony in a men's den
08-April-2021 Thursday
Funny boys
25-July-2020 Saturday
On the topic of blackmail
22-July-2020 Wednesday
Weddings are similar
18-May-2020 Monday
About Georgia. Part 1
27-April-2020 Monday
Stickers with Sauron
03-April-2020 Friday
What do you think of perfectionists?
15-February-2020 Saturday
I am one of those who needs public opinion...
25-January-2020 Saturday
Good car. Strong
23-January-2020 Thursday
Too late results of the year :)