best comments
I will share too ...
Different price when paying by card
I'm sick of baby
Reply to Magnifikus in “Why I no longer hire Asian migrants from Central Asia”
For the wife, everything is taboo, except for the "classics" under the covers
Clarity lvl 100
The work is interesting, but you meet strange people
Shamelessly "clamped" bandages and chlorine
To shave or not to shave?
Continuation of the post “Mood”
Reply to the post "A little more about hints"
Reply to the post "Let a friend take a shit"
Tattoo is a talisman for women
Good exhibition
I caught my husband with a girl
Just remembered
Army again...
Joke ... or not
Reply to the post “How to talk yourself out of a mistake”
Yes it's okay
Continuation of the post “Do not promise a virgin young (and not so) eternal love on earth”
Even an old woman can have porn
Continuation of the post “Do not promise a virgin young (and not so) eternal love on earth”
Vodka. A little from work
Asadabad huntsmen
zayce's answer to "Well, since such a booze has gone, one of my favorite jokes"
That's how it should be
How much should I take from my friends?
36 years
The corporate toilet is clogged - urgent advice is needed!
Meduza spoke with the builders of “Putin’s palace” and found out a lot of new things
Efficiency 100%
I don't understand
Money in relationships
Experts have found that Russians have the smallest penises in Europe
Why the wife does not want to fulfill her marital duty
What do prices consist of??
Where will the end of the NWO be?
I don’t understand the person, why did he want to go back to pain, suffering and deprivation?
Blah, why don’t I want to build my mother a house?
I remembered the riddle
Guys, tell me?
Reply to the post "Does anyone remember this miracle?"
Paradise lost. To understand and to forgive?
Tired of Santa Clauses
Methods of combating ISIS
Colleague idle at work
Women's hints...
What to do about it?
Mom calls every day
The guy criticizes the appearance
Not everything is lost
Inspection according to the new rules
Perch on a balancer
Reply to the post “In the Army”
Deputy Zhurova on rising food prices: “In recent times, it hasn’t happened that anyone from my family has complained to me about prices”
My New Year's grocery shopping
Quarrels and silence
About sex through the eyes of a woman
Debt good turn deserves another
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (no)
Who is an electrician, help me connect?
Utilities: Stories (112)
The regiment of honor has arrived!
Chemistry + Lugansk = tin
I'm tired...
Are there any electricians?
Skis arrived, but I'm in the cold
Reply to Magnifikus in “Why I no longer hire Asian migrants from Central Asia”
spicy cocktails
Cestclaire's answer in "What about?"
Dough settles in the bread machine
You can always look at three things...
New pigs
What should divorced people do?
We are doctors!
Semi-automatic selection
Why Maria Mashkova* is a foreign agent!
14-year-old daughter has no intention of quitting vaping
Why was ZIL 157 called BEMS?
Strange button
How to escape from Rostelecom
Father dies due to mental problems
The check doesn't light up...
About modern teenagers
Now you can’t kick a man out of the women’s locker room if he’s a “she” to himself?
Good day. Tell me. Do they return money stolen from a credit card? Money was stolen from Sberbank
Delay in construction of Bathhouse
Happy strawberry season everyone
Reply to "The Simple Life"
Freedom of opinion. Ukraine
Need advice from knowledgeable people
It's just not clear
Filed a case on 116 and 119
Reply to Magnifikus in “Why I no longer hire Asian migrants from Central Asia”
One of us
Join the ranks of honorary donors
Turn off PC by call
Reply to the post “Galya!”
UPD to the post that they didn’t wait for me, a stray shell arrived, there is no foot, so probably not everyone is lucky enough to be able to live with a disabled person ((
I'm an outcast
I am a father
How so?
The ghost of yoga...
Is it possible?
Rejection of all Russian in (in) Ukraine
Just firewood
Just firewood
Just firewood
"Food dispensers stand up! Set aside, slowly"
About mothers, children, drunkenness...
Went for cigarettes
The day before yesterday on Belaya
Pike on New Years Eve. Placed the girders tightly along the coast
How to eat 30 kg.
Cho, got hooked on nicotine?
People are dying for starch...
Makhachkala today
Afghan photos
In continuation of the post about the marker for manual planting of garlic.
All inclusive
It's a pity, isn't it?
Need advice from car owners. Alarm with auto start
Monthly trip to the traffic police
Nnada potatoes? Or "how we lived this winter without buying potatoes in bags"
Help with choosing a semi-automatic
Magadans with the season of hard water!
Which car should a student choose?
First time
I rejoice in other people's grief
Reply to the post "It's better this way"
Who is right, the instructor or me?
Question about hallway renovation
Pike instead of perch
Forgery of signature by employer. How to correctly record this fact
5 cc pit in one hand
Reply to the post "Refusal"
The courier got stuck in his car due to a protest - now he has no license, no car and no job
Post office...
Me and my VAZ
Reply to the post “We took care as best we could”
Give a miracle
Why does everyone like Belarus so much?
My husband never
The situation has changed
The world in the 80s
Ishim - Ekaterinburg
Bravery and stupidity!
Rubber for sealing joints in panel houses
Reply to the post "They will understand..."
Russian language - surprises?
AGAIN scammers from SB Sberbank
Continuation of the post “Divorce or not divorce? That is the question"
If you have OCD, get treatment
Woman harnessing a horse
Furry bumblebee
Don't be alarmed. Problem solved
I don't answer unknown numbers...
Family matters
Question about traffic rules and priority at intersections
Iptv based on ottplayer
Husband jerks off after stress. How to wean it off?
Continuation of the post “Division of property. Question"
Question about banks for knowledgeable people
Help from moonshiners
Samara resident reached Moscow in 75 days
About Shaman
I met an interesting mushroom in the forest, it seems to be called “Deer Horns”
Hemorrhoids all over the head. And not only
Everything dissolved
Look! Don't make a blunder!))
Colleague steals food
Reply to the post "We have begun to forget what decent tuning looks like"
Borjomi of our childhood!
Delay in construction of Bathhouse
Welder - NAKS, 4th category
You definitely didn't know this
Russian Post's forced app allows parcel theft
Became a dad for the third time
Belarus. Minsk' 2022
This is not how I imagined polyamory...
Security guard
How much do you spend on food per month?
What can you give your mother-in-law? Lives abroad, good relations
From the series “It is they who make Russia great” / filmed by me at the Tabornoye deposit, where gold is mined
I bought a yummy, not very marketable
How to cook red borscht?
Caught handsome
Choosing a welding machine
Choosing a welding machine
Choosing a welding machine
Choosing a welding machine
The answer to the post "Treasure in the field!"
Rebus from Roman for brain training. Theme: TV series. Post No. 161. Write the answer in the comments. Let's go!
Third day of fishing, no fish
Surrendering a driver's license as a form of psychological abuse
Providing benefits to one person on several grounds to a war veteran and at the same time a disabled person of the 3rd group on health
What a twist
angler fish
How we "fought" against the despotism of the school administration
What is this new nonsense?
Strange phone notification. (about conscription into the army)
car and phone
Peasant breakfast :)
Just firewood
We opened the season!!!! Fishermen Fast
Choosing a welding machine
Choosing a welding machine
That's why so?
I thought...
Just firewood
The opening of the season of "solid" water took place...
Is there a chance of finding a mate when you're in your 40s and living in the provinces?
Continuation of the post “Do not promise a virgin young (and not so) eternal love on earth”
How I chose my husband...
Washing machine repair 2010
White currant
White currant
Help me choose wheels for Aveo T250 hatchback 2008
And when…
Perpetual motion machine - children
Winter fishing
Thirty five
And I became a grandfather