pravrada comments

12-November-2021 Friday
Dnipro National University is building a three-story apartment in the center of Dnipro

05-November-2021 Friday
Sports club SIC in the city of Dnipro continues to violate the law

23-October-2021 Saturday
Inaction of the City Council regarding illegal construction in the Dnieper

07-October-2021 Thursday
Who and how much earns on the KP of the Dnipro City Council DniproTV

29-September-2021 Wednesday
Corruption during burial in the cemeteries of the Dnieper

24-September-2021 Friday
Dubious construction in the Dnieper at the Svetlov-Grushevskogo crossroads

02-September-2021 Thursday
Aleph Group uses illegally occupied land

19-August-2021 Thursday
Illegal development of the Long Beam of the Dnieper with multi-storey buildings

12-August-2021 Thursday
The inspector of the gas company "Dneprogaz" received a bribe and was detained

11-August-2021 Wednesday
Millionaire illegally builds a cafe in the center of the Dnieper

02-August-2021 Monday
Combat command post Municipal warta in the Dnieper

22-July-2021 Thursday
Repair of Kondratyuk street in Dnipro

19-July-2021 Monday
Fraudulent call centers
