worst comments
A surgeon planning a head transplant met with his Russian patient.
A surgeon planning a head transplant met with his Russian patient.
Google is like gooooogle...
Thanks God, I got it
I call on the power of peekaboo
My betrayal. Confession of a girl.
A regiment of flat earthers has arrived
Lift of surprises.
How breastfeeding works
My betrayal. Confession of a girl.
How little a person needs to be happy
Lift of surprises.
Lift of surprises.
Tackling women on low priors.
Duck breast recipe.
I've been to Omega...
Google is like gooooogle...
Accident on the road
Accident on the road
5 am. Wants to walk
About harmony
Idea for a romantic comedy/book.
Another sponsor
Another sponsor
New divorce.
Will never rise above 33..
Do you think I am fool?
I'm my mom's handyman.
"I'm an architect, I see it that way!"
Reply to the post "How complexes develop"
Russian girl on the streets of Moscow