poteryal.pult comments, page 3

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04-July-2023 Tuesday
Response to the post “Schoolchildren who bullied a lonely woman were found in Primorye”

03-July-2023 Monday
Safety has left the chat

30-June-2023 Friday
Five books in the Groundhog Day genre

29-June-2023 Thursday
Answer to the post "I want a dog!"

26-June-2023 Monday
Advertising the most important thing you can imagine

22-June-2023 Thursday
My job is an expert in the forensic department

19-June-2023 Monday
Do you think the exchange is normal or not worth it?

18-June-2023 Sunday
When you come home drunk and pretend not to drink

17-June-2023 Saturday
While everyone is in riot...

12-June-2023 Monday
Archi1604's response to "Join"

10-June-2023 Saturday
I'm not guilty ...

10-June-2023 Saturday
I'll tell you how two drunken "hares" did not go to the spare

05-June-2023 Monday
10 most failed Russian films of this century

30-May-2023 Tuesday
Omsk schoolchildren were sent to clean up garbage on the highway for the arrival of Vitaly Khotsenko

[7] [4] [3] [2] [1]
