poling comments, page 6

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04-November-2014 Tuesday
A few tips for everyone who has a need for high-quality cheap color printing, suffered personally:

02-November-2014 Sunday
Wedding: the reaction of the groom's parents to his best friend's speech

02-November-2014 Sunday

02-November-2014 Sunday
Intoxication, as it really is.

31-October-2014 Friday
Made in...

31-October-2014 Friday
Clock from a Soviet vacuum fluorescent display

30-October-2014 Thursday

28-October-2014 Tuesday
Do not be ill!

26-October-2014 Sunday
Karma or fatality?

26-October-2014 Sunday
All this was seized from passengers at the airport...

26-October-2014 Sunday
I bought my wife a new jacket, it became quiet in the house :))

22-October-2014 Wednesday

19-October-2014 Sunday
communism and fascism

17-October-2014 Friday
"Lost" 2 tons of gold and 16 tons of silver

16-October-2014 Thursday
Love is stronger...

15-October-2014 Wednesday
The purchase price of the goods on the price tag

10-October-2014 Friday
Just Vasya

06-October-2014 Monday
I have nothing against religion and atheists, but I think people should know more about their faith.

04-October-2014 Saturday
10 Possible Reasons We Haven't Found Aliens Yet.

01-October-2014 Wednesday

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