poligrafpsh posts

21-June-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “The circle is closed”

06-May-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post "Zooshiza, burn in hell"

02-March-2023 Thursday
Response to the post "There is a mass extermination of dogs in Lipetsk!!!!"

05-May-2022 Thursday
How the Bandera underground survived. From the stories of the SMERSH veteran

30-April-2022 Saturday
Now I know where my ex was educated.

27-February-2022 Sunday
I'm looking for a friend!

27-February-2022 Sunday
Looking for a friend

18-May-2021 Tuesday
A bit of toilet humor

08-March-2020 Sunday
Post #7277070

06-September-2019 Friday
Need a specialist

11-March-2019 Monday
Luftwaffe interrogator Hans Scharff and his methods of interrogating Allied prisoners.

21-February-2019 Thursday
Do you also see a confused gopher here?

29-January-2019 Tuesday
Project Jennifer or why did the Americans try to raise the sunken submarine of the USSR

28-January-2019 Monday
Why Stalin sent the 14th army to Chukotka

21-January-2019 Monday
401st way to take money from the population.

17-January-2019 Thursday

16-January-2019 Wednesday
Who was the first to bring tobacco to Russia?

15-January-2019 Tuesday
How Marshal of Victory freed Odessa from bandits

14-January-2019 Monday
Lost gold of Old Man Makhno. But was it?
