podooshechka comments, page 10

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01-November-2014 Saturday
Monument to the cat Semyon in Murmansk. A cat lost in Moscow traveled 2,000 km to return home to Murmansk. The road took him 6.5 years.

31-October-2014 Friday
Now on android) Be vigilant.

29-October-2014 Wednesday
When you think that you are far from Russia

28-October-2014 Tuesday
The essence of the series

28-October-2014 Tuesday
In China, a student travels the country by sex hitchhiking.

28-October-2014 Tuesday
Girls - rockers, here the files were made especially for you!

24-October-2014 Friday
Characters in The Walking Dead (comic/TV series)

23-October-2014 Thursday

23-October-2014 Thursday
Krasnodar thief...

23-October-2014 Thursday
I have never seen a stranger dress.

23-October-2014 Thursday
How I painted the toilet (part II)

23-October-2014 Thursday
Do they really think it's beautiful?

22-October-2014 Wednesday
Successful start of season 5

22-October-2014 Wednesday

04-October-2014 Saturday
Break your brain

31-August-2014 Sunday
Give the girl back the insides!!!

09-August-2014 Saturday
Brain scream.

09-August-2014 Saturday
Pick-ups of Taganrog! Today they threw such a miracle into the yard, I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl. Looks like 2-3 months.

09-August-2014 Saturday
Rescue puppies post

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