platonbabich comments, page 39

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15-November-2024 Friday
And I'M NOT GOING TO SVO because...

14-November-2024 Thursday
Unsupervised schoolboy

07-November-2024 Thursday
Another cultural enrichment

04-November-2024 Monday
A frontline inventor said he was going to be sent to storm the city

01-November-2024 Friday
"I won't tolerate fucking Russians, f***!" - in Nekrasovka, an aggressive woman snapped at Russian workers

31-October-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post "Justification of Christianity"

30-October-2024 Wednesday
Well, that's it?

28-October-2024 Monday
Response to the post "She wrote all sorts of words": Asians bullied a 13-year-old girl at a school near Volgograd"

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