worst comments
Navalny was denied registration. The lawyer turned out to have criminal cases.
Navalny was denied registration. The lawyer turned out to have criminal cases.
Navalny was denied registration. The lawyer turned out to have criminal cases.
Walk around Paris.
Navalny was denied registration. The lawyer turned out to have criminal cases.
Navalny was denied registration. The lawyer turned out to have criminal cases.
Navalny was denied registration. The lawyer turned out to have criminal cases.
The logic of my former institute
Where were such teachers when I was studying?
The logic of my former institute
Do you have a problem?
The LDPR proposes to recognize the criminal political activities of Gorbachev and Yeltsin.
In Crimea, the dismantling of Ukrainian symbols and preparations for the installation of Russian ones have begun.
Good invention!
Young John Travolta
Couldn't resist, childhood trauma
Dismissal of obstetricians in St. Petersburg. Very profitable offer!
Magician and sorcerer
Before using the horizontal bar, inspect it. Be carefull!
Poppy fields, Kazakhstan.
Poppy fields, Kazakhstan.
Decided to go into business...