worst comments
Damned Muscovites didn’t bite my head off, but I really wanted to ....
Teacher's lawyer complained to the State Duma commission about Poklonskaya
Minister of Culture and Sports of Ukraine
An expert was invited to RBC, with whom they did not agree in advance.
Ukrainian European world and Konstantinovka
I love this channel...
Remember this judge Khakhalev?
In Tver, a female driver drove over the head of a sunbathing girl
Boiled! Stop panicking!
I hear you have to go to the dacha.
Kim Jong-un wished prosperity to the Russian people in congratulations on the Day of Russia
FBK found out that presenter Brilev bought an apartment in London for a million dollars
Remember this judge Khakhalev?
The horrors of the wild country
Some will laugh and some will cry.
My op, in my opinion, was heard in Vladivostok ...
Sensible advice ...
Remember this judge Khakhalev?
Comments are superfluous
For those conscripts who think they're wasting a year in the army
Sensible advice ...
Can not argue with that...
While you were sleeping, the Buryat tankers are already storming Jerusalem.
Ukrainian train through the eyes of a foreigner
And again about dogs.
Well written.
The horrors of the wild country
Boiled! Stop panicking!
Some will laugh and some will cry.
Remember this judge Khakhalev?
"The principal says I'll be the janitor." Russian student went against the system. Now they scare him with the police and the mop
"The principal says I'll be the janitor." Russian student went against the system. Now they scare him with the police and the mop
Damned Muscovites didn’t bite my head off, but I really wanted to ....
Rogues need to know
I love this channel...
Roskosmos explained Rogozin's doubled income
The West is abolishing the market economy. 11/22/2022
Sensible advice ...
For those conscripts who think they're wasting a year in the army
I don’t need to add, reduce his salary!
Now we are all going to die. 04/19/2023
FBK found out that presenter Brilev bought an apartment in London for a million dollars
And again about dogs.
"The principal says I'll be the janitor." Russian student went against the system. Now they scare him with the police and the mop
Some will laugh and some will cry.
Boiled! Stop panicking!
Endless Summer and Marvel.
The driver of the blown up train in the St. Petersburg metro will be presented for a reward.
The leader of the "Christian State" was detained, who called for burning cinemas for "Matilda"
The journalist of the television company of the Novosibirsk government demanded that Moscow start extinguishing fires
My op, in my opinion, was heard in Vladivostok ...
Even so
An alternative to a bottle or what to play with a company
The delegation of the Russian Federation left the hall of the UN General Assembly during Poroshenko's speech
On the issue of ransomware viruses
Endless Summer and Marvel.
Endless Summer and Marvel.
Endless Summer and Marvel.
"The principal says I'll be the janitor." Russian student went against the system. Now they scare him with the police and the mop
It really works!
The horrors of the wild country
Sweden is out of trash
Some will laugh and some will cry.
You will recognize them from a thousand...
The Moscow government sold two blocks of Kuntsevo to PIK. Along with houses and people.
Everyone talks about Star Wars, but I'll fit in with my Star Trek
Great cartoon for girls in puberty)
As a result of a major accident, 12 soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine died
Pickup master.
Severe drivers of Russia.
Selfless, generous people
FBK found out that presenter Brilev bought an apartment in London for a million dollars
Continuation of the post "About real, strong, same-sex families"
Some will laugh and some will cry.
I don’t need to add, reduce his salary!
The "roof" of Judge Khakhaleva, even the head of the Supreme Court is not a decree
Russia will take part in the project to create an international circumlunar station
Video blogger BadComedian criticized pension reform
And don't deny yourself anything
Union with 1 million signatures vows protests over pension reform
Who dared to leave an unloved job for nowhere?
I would really keep this a secret...
I love this channel...
A little about Europeans
Severe drivers of Russia.
What an atrocity...
Roskosmos explained Rogozin's doubled income
Near future... :-)
Parade in St. Petersburg disrupted by an American destroyer
The Moscow government sold two blocks of Kuntsevo to PIK. Along with houses and people.
Boiled! Stop panicking!
Dedicated to adherents of the sect "Birth and Reject", as well as their potential victims
Some will laugh and some will cry.
It was an execution.
Emma is beautiful without makeup.
Donated some of her hair to make wigs for children with cancer
Minister of Culture and Sports of Ukraine
Roskosmos vs SpaceX. Who wins the space race.
Sweden is out of trash
That's true.
Yeah... Got something to say?
A little about repulsed RSP
Problems of appearance and age
They will come and try to tear us apart, we must be ready: Prigozhin on the imminent counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
And the hands - as always left ...
The student lied that she was raped by a taxi driver and will now spend 16 months behind bars
Really sad
Great cartoon for girls in puberty)
Russia has fully repaid its debt to China, and the current value of public debt is the lowest in 4.5 years.
Dedicated to adherents of the sect "Birth and Reject", as well as their potential victims
Some will laugh and some will cry.
Kaliningrad deputy called the governor's salary of 180 thousand rubles "humiliating"
That's true.
Deceased pilot.
And again about dogs.
My mi-mi-mi-meter is broken... Bring a new one....
My mi-mi-mi-meter is broken... Bring a new one....
How I taught loved ones to buckle up.
Emma is beautiful without makeup.
Endless summer.
Roskosmos vs SpaceX. Who wins the space race.
Roskosmos vs SpaceX. Who wins the space race.
That's true.
Black pages of the Russian people: Tuva, Tajikistan, Chechnya
Some will laugh and some will cry.
Some will laugh and some will cry.
Some will laugh and some will cry.
Some will laugh and some will cry.
You will recognize them from a thousand...
Any European city. Soon.
The student lied that she was raped by a taxi driver and will now spend 16 months behind bars
About treason
Severe drivers of Russia.
It's all sad
And the hands - as always left ...
I love this channel...
A little about Europeans
The moment of a terrible accident in Saratov
My new work "Collector" For the best signature reward with karma.
Smoker's Pokeburgers vs Normal Person's Pokeburgers
Ukrainian European world and Konstantinovka
Sex difference
He who laughs last laughs best..
When you really want a bolt, but don't know how to ask
Help yourself
In China, for the fifth time since the beginning of the year, gasoline fell
Boiled! Stop panicking!
The main thing that this election should teach us all is that all political scientists suck *uy. These useless teachers from the beginning to the end drowned for the granny.
Russia has a new document for employment
Yeah... Got something to say?
About kitchen policy
I declare the evening of cultural discussion open
And again about dogs.
Learn to work with the Ukrainian police
The "roof" of Judge Khakhaleva, even the head of the Supreme Court is not a decree
Disputing paternity
Russia cancels work books
You made a terrible mistake
Endless summer.
something is missing
Endless Summer and Marvel.
Endless Summer and Marvel.
Emma is beautiful without makeup.
I liked the new art on the theme of BL.
I liked the new art on the theme of BL.
Convenient switching between Windows and Linux
Russia will lose its monopoly on flights to the ISS because of Boeing and SpaceX.
Remember this judge Khakhalev?
Sweden is out of trash
Sweden is out of trash
The landscaping we deserve
Yeah... Got something to say?
Dedicated to adherents of the sect "Birth and Reject", as well as their potential victims
Changes to the SDA on “waffle” markings at intersections came into force in Russia
He who laughs last laughs best..
My friend is a real hero!
What an atrocity...
I would really keep this a secret...
Sensible advice ...
They will come and try to tear us apart, we must be ready: Prigozhin on the imminent counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Live, not survive
The West is abolishing the market economy. 11/22/2022
Like never before this year...
They will come and try to tear us apart, we must be ready: Prigozhin on the imminent counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
They will come and try to tear us apart, we must be ready: Prigozhin on the imminent counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Near future... :-)
The moment of a terrible accident in Saratov
Do you have a loan? Do you think the bank is profiting from you? Then read to the end.
Ancient ukry - an ancient profession
About cheating and karma
About cheating and karma
Smoker's Pokeburgers vs Normal Person's Pokeburgers
What does my wife want from me?
Parade in St. Petersburg disrupted by an American destroyer
The Federation of Car Owners announced the underfilling of gasoline at 76% of Russian gas stations
Slick HR.
A minute of "Chita service"
Died conductor Gennady Rozhdestvensky
Unambiguous Respect. Captain of FC Shakhtar Darijo Srna handed over to Donetsk children a humanitarian cargo - 20 tons of tangerines.
Boiled! Stop panicking!
Some will laugh and some will cry.
Some will laugh and some will cry.
Sweden is out of trash
Sweden is out of trash
I declare the evening of cultural discussion open
That's true.
Roskosmos vs SpaceX. Who wins the space race.
And again about dogs.
And again about dogs.
The "roof" of Judge Khakhaleva, even the head of the Supreme Court is not a decree
Horrors of Switzerland
You have to skip fast!
Grandfather ... not mine, but hooked.
Endless Summer and Marvel.
Endless Summer and Marvel.
Emma is beautiful without makeup.
Convenient switching between Windows and Linux
Somewhere in a parallel universe...
“Poroshenko declared war on us, now wait” – the head of the DPR commented on the murder of Motorola
Russia cancels work books
Remember this judge Khakhalev?
Remember this judge Khakhalev?
Remember this judge Khakhalev?
Remember this judge Khakhalev?
My mi-mi-mi-meter is broken... Bring a new one....
The "roof" of Judge Khakhaleva, even the head of the Supreme Court is not a decree
The "roof" of Judge Khakhaleva, even the head of the Supreme Court is not a decree
pony attack
The horrors of the wild country
Why don't men want children now?
Gomikaze d dumped from Russia..
Livelihood video from Khabarovsk
In Moscow, the head of the collection company Avtoritet was sentenced to 7 years in prison
Sweden is out of trash