best comments
Need advice from a veterinarian, not for the sake of pluses.
From Parnassus to Kupchino, on foot.
Caught red-handed
Need advice from a veterinarian, not for the sake of pluses.
The story of how Mezhregiongaz broke our meter, and we owed them 14,000 rubles for it
flower eater)
Sleeping baby corgi
Need advice from a veterinarian, not for the sake of pluses.
Breed is not a guarantee of a home.
Oh, what kind of dog is this?
Babsky serpentarium
Warm winter jacket.
Heroes of Soviet cartoons through my eyes
It's all sad
Need advice from a veterinarian, not for the sake of pluses.
Walking the dog or how I do it.
spotted doberman
Need advice from a veterinarian, not for the sake of pluses.
Need advice from a veterinarian, not for the sake of pluses.
Need advice from a veterinarian, not for the sake of pluses.
Best friend
Got a dog and realized...
Believe in children.
Need advice from a veterinarian, not for the sake of pluses.
Need advice from a veterinarian, not for the sake of pluses.
I was in shock
Always hungry and very sad
Long search for a cure for "Panic Attacks"
Terrible sore
spending money
Need advice from a veterinarian, not for the sake of pluses.
Long search for a cure for "Panic Attacks"
Long search for a cure for "Panic Attacks"
Grandmothers cat ladies
Grandmothers cat ladies
Grandmothers cat ladies
The owner filmed for 9 months how his puppies run to dinner.
Lose weight not from the word "bad" 2.0