pechuga comments, page 4

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17-May-2020 Sunday
The government admitted that it interfered with the payment of “Putin’s money” to doctors

16-May-2020 Saturday
Doctors, fight for your rights! You will defeat COVID-19 and defeat the bureaucrats!

15-May-2020 Friday
A player who bought GTA 5 calls for “shooting” newcomers who received the game for free

08-May-2020 Friday
How countries are coping with the coronavirus - how are they doing?

08-May-2020 Friday
Aggressive pickup, the answer

03-May-2020 Sunday
Again about coronavirus

03-May-2020 Sunday
Tag 'sick with covid19' to calculate statistics

03-May-2020 Sunday
Life in Moscow after quarantine

03-May-2020 Sunday
I - insulation

02-June-2019 Sunday
In Vyborg, a passer-by was shot in the stomach for "hello". The police are thinking

27-May-2019 Monday
Residents of Yekaterinburg were offered 47 new places for the construction of a temple and a public garden

14-May-2019 Tuesday
Fuck coca cola!

07-May-2019 Tuesday
Twenty schools in Penza set a ban on wearing hijabs

29-April-2019 Monday
In Novokuznetsk on Easter, priests and priests with a stun gun fought with passers-by

18-April-2019 Thursday
That awkward moment when you want to report a fake on Instagram

21-March-2019 Thursday
Germany and Austria announced the disclosure of the worldwide doping network

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