best comments
Fate Peekaboo!!!
Not bad
Am I an asshole for laughing when my brother-in-law yelled at my little sister?
The ordnung took place (c)
Radical Poll No. 54: What gender is the pick-up guy?
Anecdote on topic
Home orphan beaver follows the instinct to build dams
Reply to the post “How I communicated with the master Go2288”
Two women yell at a cat
Pikabu users are going crazy with this bait
Another bridge has fallen
Not bad
Want! Damn, I want the same massage...
View from an airplane window at the Rammstein concert in Dublin
Ivleva missed the mark by a bit
It doesn't chew...
Women's magazine
Sometimes change is good
He made a giant printer out of his pickup truck
... And about the weather...
Who are Warsaw banks and why did I have to travel 3 hours on a train without being able to sit down
Got banned in Yandex Taxi as a passenger
Lina's comics #111 - why was that possible?
Scandal in Canada over applause for SS man
Brilliantly bl
We slept)))
View from an airplane window at the Rammstein concert in Dublin
Great label design
Do not distinguish
ice cat
A sore subject
Heresy with RAM
A time-tested method
Savior of Russia
Savior of Russia
A small selection of translations - 459
Reply to the post "About politeness"
About boutiques and wine cellars: etymology
How and what little Japanese learn at school (not for the faint of heart)
Blood for the blood god! ...
return line
So it goes
The Riddle of the Man of Altamura
Aksana Gataullina. Sight adjustment
Send me a team right now!
Russian Railways of the future
How so
I was mistakenly (?) given a mod in VK play
“This is how you guys lose girls)”
We are a simple people
About eggs again
The Rils told us how much you need to earn to buy an apartment overlooking the Moscow River
I went to the wiki to read about Greenland
The most faggot profession is a lawyer
Born a man - pay!
Screenshot the cart
I warn you!!!! Take care of fathers, mothers, grandparents!!!
A small selection of translations - 459
What is sex
European languages
Voice acting of Minions in "Minions: Gruvitation"
This is how you had to get it!
Left "Vasya from Sakhalin" won the lottery? - Well, well!!!
What annoys you most about learning languages?
Savior of Russia
Response to the post "All Russians Removed from Linux Management Positions"
Polish shooter
Russia is going to ban Satanism
How do they hack Telegram?
About "pedophilia"
View from an airplane window at the Rammstein concert in Dublin
At the dacha...
Back to the Future
The Riddle of the Man of Altamura
Jewish jokes 3.0
We do a little extreme
Pension fund
A good jumper's dick is a hindrance
Bah! Familiar faces!
While you are lying on the sofa, somewhere a lonely loaf is sad...
Monday is a hard day, or a smiley OBSTEN
How to withdraw money from donation alerts?
Developers also have a social rating
That's another matter!
Stuffy rubric: checking out the meme
To the malicious sufferers of malicious blockings
Brownie Kuzya
“So what, inflation,” - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation presented a new 1000-ruble bill
Internal elaboration
Silver! Silver! Silver!
cat house
Tram (story)
Planes from Moscow to St. Petersburg are returned back
Transport megaprojects in Russia: High-Speed ??Line, MCD, MCC, MSD, CTU. We look at plans (a lot of schemes and statistics)
Till is calling...
Outplayed and destroyed
Life for Pythonists?
In St. Petersburg there is shawarma and bridges, in Kazan there are echpochmak and kazan. What about other cities?
"If you try to stop World War III, they will try to kill you."
In Aktobe, a teenager sprayed children in the eyes with pepper spray and disappeared
When animators do not forget about the main thing
Leaky Telegram: How Deanon of Any User Works
A completely ordinary transaction
The Lair
Savior of Russia
Savior of Russia
Happy Birthday Vikrigri
Russian Chthon Balabanova
It's not about nudes
Geography Facts #1
24 years... How long ago it was
Their "struggle"
Reply to the post “The right ice cream display”
Vincent, Jules and Yusuf
Remember the USSR
Till is calling...
Alternative evolution
Please don't do this
I'm glad to see this trend in current rom-coms.
I perform the Chistoman bet
How good it was in the USSR
Reply to the post “Smart-ass couriers of Sbermarket (food delivery)”
How to choose a desktop for a penguin. Introduction
Morning photo. It's spring here!
biggest fear
The answer to the post “MTS, did you all eat soup there?”
Puss in Boots. My art
How to choose a desktop for a penguin. Introduction
Sometimes you want to own something too
Such situation
Yandex stole the cake
poor squirrel
Sunny Day of Chygunachnik
My business trip
Reply to the post “Get away from YouTube”
I pressed something and everything disappeared
Better to be on the safe side
That's not necessary
The Great Mighty Mongolian Language
Dishes from the USSR that we have managed to forget
Just two days
Like the one on the right
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
If you haven't been in pain yet today
L - logic
Who are Warsaw banks and why did I have to travel 3 hours on a train without being able to sit down
Installation of the 2TE10M monument. Operation of the recovery train crane
It seems like a repost..., but is it still relevant?
Question for physicists
From the latest on Pikabu
What annoys you most about learning languages?
Response to the post "France is the first country in Europe to ban calling vegan products steaks, sausages, cutlets and generally "meat" names"
How to choose a distribution?
Working Saturday
Savior of Russia
How a random user became an admin on Pikabu
Response to the post "All Russians Removed from Linux Management Positions"
The child filled out the diary)
Help me find a quote
Riding the Trump Hype Wave
Fight of the century
Capitalism is a special path for Russia
The fight for language...
The fight for language...
Are these shackles or not?
Resourcefulness is a student's main weapon!
Telegram, that's it?
Replenishment of phrases)
What disgusting thing is this dynamic typing of yours!
Portrait of a short-bodied weevil
Sculpture. Egypt, 778 B.C.
God dandelion
About painful issues
When animators do not forget about the main thing
Fake air sales
Opening day!
Dictionary - translator from startup language to regular language
A yachtsman has 2 rudders and a wing over his shoulder... Seriously, why does a yacht need 2 rudders?
But it's true
Started moving on D3!
Chinese crazy hands
QUESTION TO THE LEAGUE OF System Administrators
We stock up on tomatoes and rotten eggs, let's go...
Devops have never been so close to failure
Help with publicity and petition - very important cat food Purina Live Clear is banned from import
Shaman remembered his mother in front of the children
Do you also not buy ice cream because you cannot understand how much it costs?
Mother is not the one who gave birth
Draw 8 portraits at the same time? Please!