pavelle87 comments, page 83

[84] [83] [82] [1]

09-December-2024 Monday
State Department: US Will Arm All Recruits If Ukraine Lowers Conscription Age

09-December-2024 Monday
What sounds do you remember from childhood? Me: Well...

09-December-2024 Monday
Bank security officers and mobile phone operators have lost their jobs

09-December-2024 Monday
Tail and love))

09-December-2024 Monday
Well, I'll have to eat black))

09-December-2024 Monday
The Scandalous Truth About Hares That Don't Exist

08-December-2024 Sunday
Please help me collect money for the trip for Laura. She waited for this for so long, she spent 4 years wandering around foster homes and shelters...

08-December-2024 Sunday
Bots, liberals, and tsipso have taken over our beloved Pikabu?

08-December-2024 Sunday
Do you need women when you're over 35? Or why people at this age will usually be alone their whole lives

08-December-2024 Sunday
Ukraine's Wet Dream Plan

07-December-2024 Saturday
"This is our land and we will stand."

07-December-2024 Saturday
Chistoman on Wikipedia

07-December-2024 Saturday
Maybe we should eat first?

06-December-2024 Friday
Sex after divorce

06-December-2024 Friday
Where are your jokes?

[84] [83] [82] [1]
