param0 comments, page 112

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06-June-2022 Monday
For those who are afraid to travel to Dagestan

05-June-2022 Sunday
Scheme of a free detour of toll sections of the M4 highway, Lipetsk region

04-June-2022 Saturday
The moment of the deadly fight, in which two investigators of the Investigative Committee participated, was filmed by several surveillance cameras!

03-June-2022 Friday
I will buy coins!

02-June-2022 Thursday
Response to the post "Always choose the right lawyer"

02-June-2022 Thursday
Just like that, whine about a broken heart

01-June-2022 Wednesday
Unique photo from the wild: Zebra signing an administrative protocol

31-May-2022 Tuesday
Reply to the post “Heartbreak League. Accept replenishment »

31-May-2022 Tuesday
Reply to the post "What's wrong with the Swedes"

31-May-2022 Tuesday
Reply to the post "Typical Tatar"

31-May-2022 Tuesday
The triumph of Russian schoolchildren at the Asian Physics Olympiad

30-May-2022 Monday
Seems not bad

25-May-2022 Wednesday
And then non-party people will not be allowed into paradise

25-May-2022 Wednesday
And I'm dancing! I know a lot of jokes and tell them with a serious face! I know how to light a fire! Please, please, please! Take me!

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