pandadotjpg posts

23-April-2015 Thursday
In China, there is a tradition of hiring strippers for funerals. The government is already fighting this. Scroll further

19-September-2014 Friday

17-September-2014 Wednesday
I hate walkie-talkies

28-August-2014 Thursday
I have a father tattoo on my shoulder

07-August-2014 Thursday
Schoolboy after going to the beach

28-July-2014 Monday
I'm mom's foot

14-July-2014 Monday
A question about pain.

24-June-2014 Tuesday
Someone got screwed ^^

23-June-2014 Monday
It happens :(

21-June-2014 Saturday
Am I the only one who thinks that in the last two matches there were wildly dull commentators?

18-June-2014 Wednesday
"Molko is the ideal of a man"

18-June-2014 Wednesday

05-June-2014 Thursday
Rooney photobomb

29-May-2014 Thursday
Family tree of rock music

27-May-2014 Tuesday
Everyone has their own problems

17-May-2014 Saturday
Sometimes you really want to see the Middle Ages now.
