panKolesnik posts, page 3

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21-September-2019 Saturday

05-September-2019 Thursday
Well, at least in the dark it does not glow green

22-April-2019 Monday
To put it mildly, the squirrel's house is not very, even more than not very good!

29-March-2019 Friday
The diploma was written to me by stupid morons

18-November-2018 Sunday
Help me find the name of the movie!

13-September-2018 Thursday
Vitaly Gennadievich

22-December-2017 Friday
Cats again

05-December-2017 Tuesday
I saw a squirrel, sat down to take a picture, and she ....

13-October-2017 Friday
When you have paws, but you're still tired.

29-September-2017 Friday
News #387

25-September-2017 Monday
Big city life

23-September-2017 Saturday
Actually there is nowhere to hurry, you can go back!

12-September-2017 Tuesday
When every city is like Moscow

22-August-2017 Tuesday
When you realize that they are not very hungry.

24-May-2017 Wednesday
Friends in VK.

18-April-2017 Tuesday
Just a squirrel, just eating a nut.

17-April-2017 Monday
When I go out to smoke with my phone, sometimes I take similar photos.

02-April-2017 Sunday
I live in the north of Kazakhstan, a friend from Siberia asks if we have snow. Sent this spring photo.

19-April-2016 Tuesday
A slightly unusual non-poem.

18-March-2016 Friday
However, golden hands.

08-December-2015 Tuesday
A word about technical support.

29-September-2015 Tuesday
Youtube bitch.

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