palektet comments

[81] [2] [1]

08-April-2016 Friday
Continuation of the stroller.

08-April-2016 Friday
Useful tips for all occasions!

08-April-2016 Friday
Official duties or lack of common sense

07-April-2016 Thursday
How I gave away the stroller for free and what came of it

06-April-2016 Wednesday

06-April-2016 Wednesday
How I built the house 11 Ground floor bath

02-April-2016 Saturday
When the Chinese shared the cat

02-April-2016 Saturday
Traffic rules in different countries of the world

07-March-2016 Monday
Worse than going to hell is just that

02-March-2016 Wednesday
Mongolian school bus

24-February-2016 Wednesday
No options

22-February-2016 Monday
Important info: MIT has opened access to all its educational materials

23-January-2016 Saturday
Sleeping in the snow...

24-December-2015 Thursday
Will you have nuts?

21-December-2015 Monday
Child with ice cream at -40

13-December-2015 Sunday
The little boy of our childhood

25-November-2015 Wednesday
Well, what the hell?

09-December-2014 Tuesday
"In my time, ninth-graders looked different..." part 2

[81] [2] [1]
