ozzznob comments, page 114

[114] [113] [1]

13-June-2021 Sunday
The lady is pleasant in every way

07-June-2021 Monday
Cozy, like on your own sofa...

15-April-2021 Thursday
You're having a boy

08-April-2021 Thursday
Why are you with someone else?

05-March-2021 Friday
Reply to Igor2018 in “His chest is covered in medals...”

05-March-2021 Friday
Continuation of the post “His chest is covered in medals...”

04-February-2021 Thursday
Reply to the post “A resident of Perm cut off the head of his pregnant wife and then killed her father”

01-January-2021 Friday
Dedicated to icicle lovers

01-January-2021 Friday
Swamp? Pfff, look how I can

24-December-2020 Thursday
Briefly about the weather in Novosibirsk

11-December-2020 Friday
Not this time

04-December-2020 Friday

30-November-2020 Monday
Hero of the day. This is a real superhero!

22-November-2020 Sunday
Kate Ovens from the UK is a girl who loves to eat

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