oranger posts

30-June-2015 Tuesday
Petition to ban impact, brake, horn sounds from radio ads

04-March-2014 Tuesday
About the situation in Crimea from the point of view of a patriot "poisoned" by the information war.

23-February-2014 Sunday
Esaul, Esaul, why did you leave your horse ...

17-January-2014 Friday
Old prankster

15-January-2014 Wednesday
How and when the sun will die

12-January-2014 Sunday
How we tried to contact them 2

11-January-2014 Saturday
How we tried to contact them

06-January-2014 Monday
A friend decided to play Dota

22-December-2013 Sunday
Possum Andrew

16-December-2013 Monday
The largest fortresses in the world

16-December-2013 Monday
History of candy

17-October-2013 Thursday
Five Minute Postman

23-September-2013 Monday
In addition to the post about the future (

20-August-2013 Tuesday
Found a dog.

19-August-2013 Monday
Ads for diapers
